Day One Hundred and Four

I was startled to realize before that I hadn’t posted yesterday’s picture yet and then dismayed to realize I hadn’t even taken a single picture of myself yesterday. I was going to take an early morning one today to make up for yesterday’s mishap but, being already at work and stuff, I realized it might be a little redundant. (Whereas taking a pic first thing in the morning is both disgusting AND kind of relevant because “Hey! I went to sleep in those clothes!”)

Anyway, upon reflecting on this alarming habit I realized I HAD, in fact, taken a photo of myself yesterday. It was actually the set of photos I took first thing yesterday morning to make up for my slackerosity the day before.

Therefore I bring you outtakes from yesterday morning’s photo shoot. I read on Dlisted this morning that Jlo is:

Oh poor Jlo, I beg to differ:

Click on Jlo’s photo to read the article. It’s called, and this makes me laugh in and of itself:

“Which World Are We Talking About, Exactly?”

No offense to JLo, natch.

Day One Hundred and Three

This picture is a cheat because I took just now instead of yesterday. I am EXHAUSTED! When you look at this picture, have that song “Isn’t She Lovely?” running through your head. This way you’ll hate me for that rather than for having to look at this picture. You’re welcome!


Okay time to start the day! *dragging feet*



We are volunteering at the GLAAD Media Awards tonight and are so goddamn excited! (GLAAD = Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). Click on that link to see why. So many awesome people are gonna be there. I am so glad we’re in LA for this one because I would be pissed if we weren’t, haha.

God I love volunteering for this event guys. Not only is it a great cause, the people are great AND you get to peep some awesome gay-positive celebs. Such a fun night. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a LOT of work but so worth it.

OMG last year when we got home, the cats were outside! They had knocked out the front window (bc the screen wasn’t secure) and jumped out! We found Elvira right away. A) She hadn’t left the courtyard, B) We saw her white fur in the dark.

Monster, on the other hand, left the courtyard and was hiding in the bushes in the front. We were terrified. Crying, calling out to him. We thought we were gonna find him in the street. But then Kristyn heard a rustle and there he was: TERRIFIED. He was hiding from us. Well moreso just frozen with fear. She grabbed him and we went in and cried and hugged them for a while and then went to bed.

WELL, just a little while ago, I was holding Monster and decided to step out the front door into the courtyard to grab something. Suddenly that memory flooded back and I was like, “Maybe today isn’t the best day to get Monster interested in the great outdoors.”

Anyway, we’re getting ready now. SO EXCITING!!!

Here’s Kristyn’s post on the GLAAD Media Awards from last year:


And here’s mine:


Wish us luck!

Day One Hundred and One

I was lazy as all hell today. Kind of intentionally so. Tomorrow we have a big day so I wanted to be sure to get as much rest as possible. About an hour before Kristyn got home I got up and cleaned the house. We had dinner and then went grocery shopping. We’re watching a Lisa Lampanelli special and are about to go to sleep now, so buh bye.





Day Ninety-five

Yesterday we had a pretty full morning. I don’t know why but I woke up at 8:30am and couldn’t go back to sleep. We got up relatively early and had brekky (facon, avocado and cheese on French bread with coffee). We listened to records and Kristyn made some CDs for a coworker, then had to go to work. I spent the day working on a tippy top secret project and watching Roseanne.

Also, look at these pictures that Kristyn took of Monster!!! Adorable!





Day Ninety-four

Kristyn doesn’t want to play this game anymore so she’s digging in her heels but you’ve still got me!

Anyway, yesterday I ran some errands and Kristyn worked 11-9. I went to the bank, to the goodwill (to look around, I bought a few skirts to alter) and grocery shopping. Look at that vending machine of whoopie cushions and stuff!

Oh AND our friend Vanessa sent us that Dr. Mario plaque! She made it!!! She makes awesome things out of these little beads and she knows we like Dr. Mario so BOOM! She also sent us cookies, a Christmas card and a candy cane (haha) and a letter. Thank you Vanessa!!!! We love it!!!

Then I went to get Krissy and we came home, had some coffee and ice cream then some blueberry beers. We watched Saturday Night Live on Netflix Instant and fell asleep on the couch. Good day!

P.S. Oh also we listened to Traditional Scottish Fiddle Music.








Day Ninety-three

Man am I getting bad at posting these on time. This is my latest one yet! Regardless, we had a really great day again!

Our friend Samantha somehow was able to get a bunch of tickets for ten beans a pop for the Dodgers vs. Giants game last night. I’ve only been teice. Once when I was a wee lass, I went with my parents to see the Mets play at Shea stadium. That was a day game but I remember it being really cold. The other time was only a few years ago. That was the time our friend Amanda got tickets from some guy at the hotel she worked at. It was the same deal, he’d bought a row for cheap. We went to see the Yankees at the old Yankee stadium. Some drunk guy started hitting on Amanda’s 17 year old coworker (who also got tickets) and natch she wasn’t interested. So we sat between them and they started screaming at us calling us cockblockers and fat bitches. Little did he know we ARE cockblockers and fat bitches so we got them kicked out of the game and the Yankees won! Hurrah!

Anyway, we got to the game LATE. It was already the END of the 7th inning! Didn’t stop us from ordering beer.

But it was a thrilling experience! And we’re Dodgers fans now! And d’ya know what? We live five minutes from Dodger Stadium. I mean I knew it was close but it is CLOSE. (For our families: we live way closer to Dodger Stadium than to Giants Stadium. It’s THAT close.)

And we had so much fun that we’re gonna go back! We can actually take the bus from our house and get our drink on…*ahem* I mean save on parking.

The Dodgers won! All the dudes were kissing and hugging. I think I like night games better because it’s all lit up pretty. And it was “Friday Fireworks sponsored by Pizza Hut” night so they let everyone down on the field and then had fireworks! (Sponsored by Pizza Hut.) So much fun!

And my job allows you to borrow DVDs from their lending library so I borrowed Tales From The Crypt, Season 3 and Mad About You, Season 2. We watched those and drank blueberry beer until we fell asleep.

I gotta go pick up Krissy from work in a hot minute. Later!








