I saw mothercrunkin Ben Linus today!

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I saw him out on the street and managed not to tackle him to the ground and pepper him with questions and ebullient flattery. In fact, I left the good sir alone and for this I am proud. And weirdly enough, he is taller in person than you’d think. I thought he’d be somewhat pocket-sized and wee but that’s not that case. There are some celebrity sightings that I keep to myself bc A) They’re not that amazing, B) I have a rule that if they’re work-related, I keep my trap shut and C) I know I’m a braggart but I don’t want to be THAT much of a braggart.

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But this shit was just too good to keep to myself. I wrestled with it but this is BEN…from LOST…who is probably going to win an EMMY…TOMORROW…And he is my favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite character on Lost.

And I just read online that Michael Emerson (Ben) is considering doing a cameo on True Blood (his wife is on it) and taking over Steve Carell’s job on The Office. If he does those things, I will actually lose my shit.

Here is a scene from Lost where Ben that made me sob. So good:


The Lost Finale is about to come on!

I’m writing on here because I am alone. Kristyn’s at work and I can’t talk to anyone or go online. I think the show is already over at home and just about to start for me. Still watching the pre-show. Crocheting a blanket that I’m going to call “Peanut Butter and Jelly”. Made myself two cups of tea to drink. One for now and one as a backup. Can NOT fall asleep during Lost. Tomorrow we are hoping that Lost goes online because Kristyn needs to watch it.

And I’m going to make a bet and say that I’m really going to like this finale. I really liked Tuesday’s episode a lot which has basically been the exception to the rule this season. It’s not that I thought this season was bad, it just wasn’t exciting. This show is more fun when it’s asking questions, not answering them.

Anyway, the show starts in 15 mins. So excited! Wish Kristyn was here!

Also, here’s a picture of Peanut Butter and Jelly from this morning. I’ve done a bit more since then!


37 minutes in – This episode is so good! AND I called some of this shit. Booyah.

40 minutes in – How was that a surprise?

49 minutes in – Did not see that one coming. Crying.

One hour in – Anticipation mounting.

One hour, 3 mins in – Oh shit.

One hour, 4 mins in – Oh shit again.

One hour, 13 mins in – Crying while eating. Why are you crying? Beautiful moment. What are you eating? An orange.

One hour, 24 mins in – What?! Whoa.

One hour, 25 mins in – Snap.

One hour, 27 mins in – Crying again. It’s…just…so…beautiful…

Some pictures:

One hour, 36 mins in – Crying AGAIN.

One hour, 38 mins in – love these Target commercials. Combines two of my favorite things.

One hour, 45 mins in – Crying HARD.

One hour, 47 mins in – Tired of face being wet. Looking forward to crying some more.

One hour, 50 mins in – Yes True Blood Commercial!

One hour, 54 mins in – I knew it!

Two hours, 3 mins in – Holy shit! Goosebumps!

Two hours, 15 mins in – Aww.

Two hours, 16 mins in – I wish Kate would have remembered to take a bath.

Two hours, 20 mins in – What now?

Two hours, 21 mins in – Wow what?

Two hours, 24-29 mins in – Choking on my own spit crying.

Two hours, 30 mins in – Wait I have a question.

So excited about Lost!

I don’t usually like to talk Lost out of school bc:

a. If you don’t watch it, you don’t care.
b. It’s a tough topic to discuss.
c. Nothing mind-bending has happened all season.

That being said, last night’s episode really made me excited for Sunday’s Finale!


FINALLY, we get a good episode where THINGS HAPPEN. Ben’s back! And evil! Jack’s “the one”! Richard got bitchslapped by old Smokey! Things are in motion on the Flash Sideways! Tina Fey got killed! Charles Widmore got smoked! We’re thisclose to finding out who Jack’s Babymomma is! Also, I think that Daniel Farraday’s Mother narrated the clip of “what’s to come” which means she’ll probably be back! Yesyesyes!