Day Eighty-nine


I had a quick and easy morning.
Krissy slept in late.
I got in trouble for using three hole punch paper. It’s okay though.
Krissy did some dishes.
I sat outside for a spell at lunch.
I talked on the horn with Krissy while outside.
Krissy relaxed on the couch.
I rode the elevator A LOT.
Krissy took out the trash.
I visited the mail room A LOT.
Krissy worked on some stuff for LA Music Blog.
I had a quick commute home.
We ate the pizza Lil Krissy made for me when I got home.
I had one blueberry beer.
We gathered laundry together.
We went to the laundromat.
We did some grocery shopping.
We did more laundry.
We had King Cones.
Kristyn put away clothes.
I brushed all the cats and the bunny.
Now we’s in bed. Nite!



Day Eighty-eight

I’m getting real bad about posting same day lately. Bad girl. Day #88 should have been magical by my Mom’s standards. Alas it was not. I did talk to my Mom though so there’s that!

Anyway not much to say about yesterday. I was at the computer writing an article for LA Music Blog and going through pictures from MEN for much of the day. I also ate more bread than is sane for a person to do, watched a lot of Roseanne, listened to the MEN record and did some work on another project.

Kristyn had kind of an annoying day at work and then came home to me totally unconscious. After that she stayed up for an hour with her teeth chattering and listening to the dulcet sounds of a helicopter hovering directly above us with a man in it shouting “COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!” and the police scanner app on her iPhone. Never a dull moment in Silver Lake yo.

Okay here I am looking innocent in pigtail braids. My tshirt has a picture of Peaches smoking on it. “Rock the Shocker!”


Here’s Kristyn looking like a domesticated Gollum early this morning after helping me get ready. Believe it or not she approved this picture. Haha. I gotta take more early morning photos of her.


Day Eighty-seven

We went to see MEN last night! The show was at the Echo and it was SUCH a great show. Really had a great time. We bought a record of their album. I really feel like their album ushered me out of a serious bummer of a phase. It could have been anything but it was this. And we’ve gotten into collecting records, some just for fun and others for specific reasons. Like we bought “Exile in Guyville” as a memory holder because Kristyn got to interview Liz Phair and it went so well. We already had it on CD but something about the vinyl record feels more personal. Like you are actually collecting “something”. A tangible something. And I knew we had to buy this record “Talk About Body” because:

A) Kristyn’s first interview was with them.

B) It inspired us a lot.

C) It ushered me out of my doldrums.

D) The lifting of said doldrums seems to have brought a lot of positivity with it because my life is filled with a lot more possibility than before.

E) We are just big fans of JD’s in general.

F) The music is good.

G) To buy the record at the show is kind of a memory in itself. It was a really fun night and we don’t get a lot of those lately.

So anyway, yeah. Good night, good times. Here I am slightly damp because it rained.


Here is Krissy, dutifully letting me take her picture. (She hates this project but is an exceedingly tolerant person haha.)


Here is Monster welcoming Krissy home.


Here is MEN wearing a weird connected helmet when they came on stage. It was awesome.


And here’s just a picture taken in the middle of the show.


We’ll post more pictures later. We were there so Kristyn could cover it for LA Music Blog but we would have been there either way. I had a better spot than Kristyn so I took a lotta pictures. I’ll link the article once she writes it.

Oh AND the guitarist, Michael, was selling the merchandise and when we bought the album I told him that they were great and that I had a bummer six months until their record came out. He said thanks and seemed genuine. Either way its awesome when you get a chance to thank people who’s art inspired you first hand. It was a great day! (Oh and the muscle relaxers and Ibuprofin knocked out most of what ailed me with my back and we even hung around and danced afterward bc there was a DJ.)

Today I have a lotta digital things to do and then rest up for tamarra to start the whole week again! : D

Day Eighty-six

I passed OUT last night before I could write this. This has been an exhausting week but a great one. God I hope they let me keep this job. This is purely wishful thinking on my part because I was told when I was hired that this is most definitely NOT a temp to perm situation. The person I am covering IS going back to their desk. BUT this is all predicated on some ex-intern coming to take the spot she’s filling, a spot she WANTS really bad. And she is really GREAT. Like super professional and efficient. So IDK. I mean maybe if she knocks their socks off, they’ll keep her, leaving her position open. And maybe if I knock their socks off I can keep mine. But there’s danger bc they can still bring him on for where I am and “let me go” as was scheduled so we’ll see.

Either way I’m starting school in the fall. I have to finish that goddamn bachelor’s degree if it kills me. I can maybe just make my classes real late at night or maybe even on Saturdays. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.

Either way I’m not gonna cry over spilled milk because there are too many awesome happy things on the horizon. Who can complain?

Here I am pre-loss of consciousness.


Here’s Krissy playing with Chuckles.


Here’s a cute notebook I bought to scribble down my “How-To’s” at work. A bean fitty at Michael’s! And no, I don’t know why it says “The greatest!” at the bottom. I repeat: a bean fitty.


And here are my gray-clad stems at my desk. Kristyn always tries to talk me out of wearing these tights for some reason so I rarely wear them. I thwarted her yesterday and put’m on. I love them!


Okay I gotta go help Kristyn get ready for work. We’re going to see MEN perform at the Echo tonight, so excited! I honestly and for truly credit their recent record for pulling me out of the goddamn slump I’ve been in for six months. It inspired me in a way I haven’t felt in a long time and a ton of great things followed.

Anyway, later!

Day Eighty-four

I am mothercrunkin EXHAUSTED. It rained in LA today which meant that traffic was off the hizzy. I’m not one of those bitches that whines about traffic in LA bc I grew up in Northeastern NJ where highways are built fuckocked to fit AROUND previously existing businesses and homes. LA is a much newer, more spread out area and the highway system was built RIGHT. So yeah you’re in traffic but it’s always a straightaway and no fng jughandles or circles or other cockamamie shit is involved. ANYWAY. What is usually a 45 drive took a good two hours. I had just enough time to get home, eat some dinner (Irish Soda Bread, Tea and Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese – no hating I was tired and cold), feed the animals and I had to run out the door again. I had to go watch and shoot photos of a band. They were AWESOME. But it was at Satellite/Spaceland which is nearby so that’s good. After that I only had enough time to get home and watch one episode of Roseanne before having to leave to pick up Lil Krissy.

Now I’m in bed. Time to watch more Roseanne until I pass the heck out. Gnite!



Kristyn interviewed Liz Phair!

That’s the big news! Last week Kristyn got to interview Liz Phair for LA Music Blog! Check it out here:

LA Music Blog

We were fans of Liz Phair’s but are even bigger fans after the interview. She was so engaging and nice. I listened to (and painstakingly transcribed the interview) and she was just so awesome. She did it over the phone last Thursday and I really think it couldn’t have gone better. We’re going to see her at the Troubadour on Wednesday so Kristyn can review the show. I’ll post pictures. If you’re in or around LA, go to the show!!!

I am seriously SO PROUD of Kristyn!!! And thanks Mike and Kristin for giving her this opportunity, you don’t know how much it means to both of us. :)

Peaches Christ Superstar

* AHEM: This is another post that has been lounging in my draft folder since mid-December. Go here to check out Kristyn’s review of Check Yo Ponytail and here to check out her review on Peaches Christ Superstar!

Right now I am at the Echoplex in Echo Park at a party called “Check Yo Ponytail”. Kristyn is covering the bands for LA Music Blog. I am chilling on a couch. The bands are good but it’s kid of nice to go see a band I am not invested in for once. I always envy the people who can relax in chairs while I frantically have to be right up against the stage. On one hand I always want the total front and center experience and on the other, who’d ever turn their nose up at taking a load off? So it’s nice to enjoy the music and blog. Two of my favourite things uniting! Oh and sorry if my spelling reflects the Queen’s English, I somehow put my phone on UK English and am too lazy to turn it off. Oh also, we went to see Peaches do a one woman rendition of Jesus Christ Superstar the other day. It was called, you guess it, Peaches Christ Superstar. I am here to say that it was the bomb. The last time I saw Jesus Christ Superstar was in CCD and I barely paid attention. And going into this, I honestly wasn’t sure if Peaches was gonna do it tongue-in-cheek or not. BUT SHE DIDN’T. She was dead serious and it was AWESOME. I love Peaches in all of her incarnations but I had no idea she had such a killer voice. I mean usually what you like about her is her humor, dirtiness and attitude. Not that she isn’t a good singer but she doesn’t like belt anything out. With this she did and she was great. So good. Kristyn is gonna post a review on LA Music Blog so I won’t say any more other than it was awesome and now I want to see the movie. What else? Oh here are some iPhone pictures from Peaches Christ Superstar. If you have an iPhone you know they take crappy lowlight photos but THIS is something else. She was dressed all in white and had bleached blonde hair. The light on her was also white. She got so washed out that she looks like she got cut out of the picture. OR like an apparition. Spooky Peaches, spooky.

In case I forget to blog about this stuff…

Here are three pictures from last week that I shot that I really liked for different reasons:

Bijou Phillips & Danny Masterson on the Red Carpet at Cirque Berzerk



Me taking a photo of a guy taking a photo of a band called White Fences

Day Eighteen

Okay today was much more of the same. I have a couple of projects that I’m working on currently, one being:


SO EXCITING! Oh THAT was the good news I had a week or so ago. No, no job to speak of. Well, no PAYING job to speak of haha. But I’m really excited and have a ton of ideas and I think she’s gonna like’m. Christine, no poking around and NO questions.

Anyway, here I am posing with Monster. This is me without any makeup on. You know, at first, this project was making me really self-conscious. I wasn’t used to taking pictures of myself or seeing myself on a regular basis besides like you know in the mirror. But I know I have my flaws and I know I’m no Patricia Arquette (I KNOW it’s weird!) but I’m not half bad! For a person who tends to self-consciousness in photos, I am actually not reacting badly to seeing myself. I know that part of that is taking a thousand pictures and selecting the one to show you that has the LEAST of my double chin encroaching into the picture but that’s neither here nor there. The only negatives that I’m starting to pick at are my honker of a nose (which I honestly haven’t thought of in years) and my eye wrinkles (which I kinda like). BUT I’d never change those things so there you have them. Coleen has a big nose and wrinkled eyes.  BFD. There are worse problems.

And here is Kristyn in a full state of alertness. She had me take her picture BEFORE work today while she was headed out the door. For some reason she was concerned with how level her nose was with Chucky’s. Hey I don’t ask the questions, I just take the pictures. Just doing what I’m told.

And here is a bonus picture that Kristyn insisted I take of just hers and Chucky’s eyeballs. Naturally their (level) noses got into the picture and she cropped them right the funk out immediately and told me to add this as a bonus picture. She was in rare form this morning (afternoon). Haha.

So that’s me day! I’m going to bed now because I have to actually be up in a few hours to help Kristyn get out the door and I know I won’t go back to sleep after that. G’nite!

P.S. I wrote two blogs for LA Music Blog! Here’s the song that keeps running through my head regarding this endeavor, I shit you not: