Day Two Hundred and Twenty-eight

On Sunday I was sorely tempted to spend the day flat on my back due to the massive brick of food I’d implanted in my stomach the night prior. Instead I was active as hell. We got up and had some breakfast and then watched episode one of season seven of Weeds. Then we went swimming. It felt SO GOOD. We came in and got ready after that because Kristyn had to work. I went with her and dropped her off at work. We needed groceries and a plethora of things so I drove to Glendale to go to Target. On the way I stopped at a thrift shop and bought two pretty purses. One needs work and the other might be a bowling bag maybe? But for $8 why complain. I also stopped at Michael’s to pick up some yarn. So relaxing.

Then I spent FOREVER in Target. I swear that when I finally go to Heaven (and I will), it will be Target-shaped. This won’t be my choice necessarily, it will just be the place I’ve spent the most time in in my life and someone in Heaven’s Business Affairs department will make a clerical error and think that this is my happy place. I will go with it because that’s what I do.

I came home with ALL THE STUFF and then chilled out for a hot minute before I had to pick Krissy up. We came home, threw ourselves across the bed and just dropped dead of exhaustion. Good day.

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