Day Eight

There is so much “NO” in this picture that it had to be a “YES”. Ya pickin up what I’m putting down?

I can’t seem to get going to do anything productive today although I’ve had a lethal amount of caffeine (and intend on having two more cups of coffee). (All said I will have had about six cups of coffee when this bender is through today.)

I didn’t get my picture of Kristyn’s grill yet but I don’t want to forget about mine so I am ever-so-kindly blinding you with this one. No need to thank me. No please don’t stand up. Sit down, sit down.

So far today I have woken up, made breakfast, ate breakfast, made Kristyn lunch, picked her up and kicked her out the door, re-completed book one on Harry Potter Lego because we hit a bug a bit further in and can’t get out of a garden where Ron is burping up slugs and made the rest of the gingerbread cookie dough but I can’t with any more cookies.

I think the plan for what’s left of today (“today” being something of a relative term since it’s 8:25pm and I think the day OUGHT to be just about winding down) is going to be this:

1) Write this post. *DONE* <–This is me supposed to be me stamping this as done.
2) Watch my cats french kiss. *DONE*
3) Apply for jobs.
4) Write for LA Music Blog. I've been on a naughty cookie-fueled holiday hiatus/bender.
5) Scoop the cat litter.
6) Try to watch the season premiere of the Jersey Shore online. Yeah and?
7) Yeah I think that's all I can handle.

I was re-reading some of my old blog posts on myspace recently. (And can someone please tell me WHY you are not allowed to export blog posts off of myspace? Stupid corporate chokehold on my 2004ish through 2008 musings!) Anyway, in reading those blogs I realized the following:

1) I used to be funny and now I'm not. If you read my blog then, please do not say, "Oh no, that's not true!" It IS. I think my sense of humor was a little darker then because I was more brutally honest about everything. (Yes you can get more honest than this haha.)
2) I think that taking my blog public made me have to kind of gloss over some details so as not to give away anyone else's privacy and that made me feel like I had to write more up-up-up positively. This is good and this is bad. This is good because I can share more with my family and extended friends and this is bad because I will only remember a glossed over version of the events as they unfold. This is also good because I will only remember a glossed over version of events as they unfold. This means that when I'm old and gray (apart from a few mental breakdowns) I will be all, "What a lovely problem-free life I've lead!"
3) IN writing more positively I think I have been possessed by the spirit of an over-happy teenage girl. I am trying to self-edit all "haha's" out but I am legitimately laughing at my own joke there so it's hard to make my fingers not do it. I am actually typing out my mentally diseased laugh track in my own head not realizing that when I read it back, it will sound like a studio audience laugh track. "Insert chuckle here for I have made a funny."

Whatever, do you see what I do? I am blogging this bullshit so that I can be held up doing my to-do list. BUT I guess I can't really expect myself to respect a to-do list that I have intentionally placed "Watch the Jersey Shore" on.

P.S. I am still going through my Buffytimes. I am at the end of Season Four and dealing with Glory.
P.S. #2 I chopped onions today and rubbed it HARD into my eyes.
P.S. #3 A weird tattooed girl showed up today and knocked on the front door. I screamed, "HELLO!" out the kitchen window at her and she told me she was here bothering me to work on her people skills, find out what I do for a living and be inspired by me. I screamed, "I'M UNEMPLOYED!!!" She actually said, "Ooh! Is it fun?!" I screamed, "NO!" Then she looked at the Rampant Lions window cling I have on my front window and said, "Oh are you Scotland?" (Not ScottISH but ScotLAND.) I screamed, "YES!" She said, "Me too! I'm Scottish, Irish, German and a bunch of other shit!" I screamed, "OKAY!" Then she kind of took a hint and asked me who lives in the other apartments. I basically screamed something to the effect of, "I DON'T KNOW!" And then Kristyn demanded I scream, "THEYRE ALL DUDES!" Then she knocked on my neighbor's door and told him she's here to speak to him because she stutters and wants to win a contest for it go to England, Ireland or Romania, that she needs to know what he does for a living and then tried to sell him a magazine subscription.
P.S. #4 I'm putting my conclusion to P.S. #3 down here because well just because it deserves it. My conclusion is that she either works for a very convoluted magazine company OR she was casing us for robbery. IF I am attacked within the next month, know that a gangly tattooed brown haired girl's boyfriend named "STAB" took all of our things. I am taking a wild guess about the boyfriend but I wasn't born yesterday so it seems as good a guess as any.

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