Kristyn is I-talian.

The other day we were feeling crafty and peckish so we decided to make a craft we could sup on. Here is the evidence of the events as they unfolded*:

We bought pizza dough at Trader Joe's on a whim.

I believe that Kristyn said this is the Italian Evil Eye or Devil Horns or warding off of the Evil Eye. IDK, I was thinking intently about pizza at the time.

I started the project but Kristyn had a lot of instructions so she took over. She forgot that she used to work at a pizzaria, haha.

We used a stupid Ragu sauce. It was kinda too sweet for to make pizza with.

We used an entire bag of mozzarella bc why wouldn't you?

Sprinkle some garlic on when Kristyn's not looking and it's ready for the oven!


It was pretty good! Next time we have to use a sauce with more oregano. Totes.

*I never said this blog would always be interesting. As Kristyn’s niece says, “You get what you get and you don’t get upset!!!”

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